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Mutluer is a social scientist, sharing her research and work in the fields of pluralism/diversity (gender, ethnicity, religion/belief), nationalism, migration, memory, citizenship in academia, media, and civil society, and consulting for various art projects.

She holds a BA in International Relations from Bilkent University and an MA in Cultural Studies from Istanbul Bilgi University. She completed her Ph.D. at the Department of Gender at the Central European University in Budapest with a thesis on the Everyday Lives of Forced Migrant Kurdish Men in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul. She taught Sociology, Social Sciences, and Cultural Studies at Istanbul Bilgi, Kadir Has, and Fatih Universities as well as Getronagan Armenian High School. In February 2016, she was dismissed from Nişantaşı University Sociology Department by the university administration after signing the text 'We will not be a party to this crime! In the same year, she was invited to Humboldt University, Department of Pluralism and Social Conflict, where she was a visiting researcher and lectured for 5 years.

She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Institute for the Study of Religion at the University of Leipzig and a researcher at the EUME Program of the Transregionale Forum in Berlin. In the last 20 years, she has conducted research on Kurds, forced migration, gender, and citizenship, as well as on the political and social formation of Alevis, the Social and Political Structure of the Diyanet, Kemalist Feminists, the changing politics of gender and sexuality in Turkey, new immigrants in Germany, and the changing socio-political structure of Turkish Muslim institutions in the transnational Turkish-German space. She has published articles in various academic and popular journals and newspapers and prepared books and compilations.

In 2012-2013, she hosted the sociological and political analysis program ÖteBeri on IMC TV with Emine Uçak. The duo still continues the program "OtherBeri Yeniden" on Daktilo 1984 from time to time. Also, in 2021-2022, for 52 weeks, Mutluer prepared and presented the program Başka Düşünce (Another Thought) on Artı TV, where she discussed the polarization in Turkey. Amargi, (Helsinki) Citizens' Assembly, Deniz Yıldızı, SODA, KA.DER and Green Thought Association are among the civil society organizations she is active.

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